Imoigele P. Aisiku, M.D., ’92 STEM Center
The Imoigele P. Aisiku, M.D., ’92 STEM Center at Worcester State University supports student learning and success in STEM fields by facilitating interdisciplinary collaboration and initiatives.
Representatives from STEM-related departments (biology; chemistry; computer science; earth, environment, and physics; and mathematics) work diligently on initiatives aimed at increasing student retention and providing pathways for academic excellence in these programs.

STEM Center Faculty Representatives

Daron Barnard
I study the molecular mechanisms that control early development, using the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) as a model organism. I am particularly interested in understanding the molecular and genetic mechanisms used to silence mRNAs before they [...]

Aleel Grennan
I am a plant physiologist. My research interests is on the role of the chloroplast in plant growth and development, focusing on plant responses to changing light environments. My work encompasses plant responses to light at multiple levels – from [...]

Jeremy R. Andreatta
The central theme of research in my group is the design and development of organometallic complexes for use in catalysis with a focus on green chemistry. The development of atom economical reactions, minimization of extraneous solvent use, and use of [...]

Ali Al-Faris
Ali Al-Faris is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Worcester State University. Received a Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering in 2005 at College of Electronics Engineering Bani-Walid and a Master of Science in Computer Science and [...]

Mary Fowler
I joined Worcester State University Mathematics Department in 2004. I earned my Ph.D. in Statistics from Carnegie Mellon University in 1989. While I have enjoyed working as an applied statistician in many fields nothing brings me more joy than [...]

Nabin Malakar
Dr. Malakar is an assistant professor in the Department of Earth, Environment and Physics. He has a wide-ranging research interest including societal applications of remote sensing data, land surface temperature, air pollution, application of machine [...]
STEM Center News

Computer Science Faculty encourage students to develop real-world skills through app development
Students in Worcester State University’s Computer Science Department are gaining valuable real-world experience and skills through collaborative research projects with their faculty mentors….

Worcester State introduces five new minors to meet student interests
Worcester State undergraduates can now minor in five fast-growing fields: gerontology, homeland security, mental health services, pharmaceutical science, and STEM…

Worcester State University offers free immersive lab course in environmental science to diverse incoming STEM students
A new program funded by a $500,000 grant from the NOAA Office of Education will allow Worcester State University to offer a free, immersive lab course in environmental science to diverse incoming STEM students…

Summer Program Prepares First-Year Students for STEM Success
For the past four years, the STEM First Year Summer Bridge program has helped give incoming first-year students the math skills they need to succeed in science majors from biology and chemistry to computer science…

Karl Wurst, Ph.D.: NSF Grant Aims to Make Computer Science More Appealing to Women
Computer geeks are usually guys, at least in the minds of most people. Karl R. Wurst, Ph.D., chair of the Computer Science Department, is principal investigator for a National Science Foundation grant that aims to change that perception and increase the number of women and other underrepresented people in the computing field…

Summer Undergraduate Research Grants Pay Students to Advance Science
In a normal summer, psychology major Anna Grady ’21 would have worked at a retail job to earn money for living and educational expenses for the fall semester. Instead, this summer she was paid to conduct hands-on research investigating memory in children…

Using Physics to Analyze Art
A unique experiment used in a course called Physics in Art teaches students how the intensity of a beam of light changes as it passes through different types and colors of liquid…

Using Physics to Measure a Warming Earth
Data from thermal cameras in space can effectively measure the warming of the Earth, according to Assistant Professor of Earth, Environment, and Physics Nabin Malakar, Ph.D. Studying the underlying patterns and trends on these datasets can help raise awareness related to the health risks posed by the environmental factors…

Students Create Videos to Explain Chemistry Experiments for Remote Learners
As the fall semester began, Weichu Xu, Ph.D., assistant professor of chemistry, realized the pandemic meant visits to the lab would be restricted for many students and impossible for those in isolation, so they…

WSU Announces $1M Gift at Unveiling of the Aisiku STEM Center
Worcester State University has named its Center for STEM Research and Education in honor of alumnus Dr. Imoigele Aisiku, M.D., ’92, an intensivist (critical care) and emergency medicine physician who attended public schools from K-12 through medical school…

Student, faculty lab innovation published in prestigious chemistry journal
Students and faculty have developed a new discovery-style learning approach to college organic chemistry labs that improves student enthusiasm and research skills…

University labs outfitted with industry-level equipment through new grant
To be competitive in the life sciences workforce, college students need to be trained on the latest scientific equipment and processes. Worcester State University received a $658,000 grant…