Help others communicate effectively
You will obtain basic knowledge in human communication sciences with an emphasis on understanding either speech and language disorders or hearing disorders.
Check out the different courses waiting for you at Worcester State -
CD-100 Introduction to Human Communication and its Disorders
Nature and causes of organic and functional speech/language and hearing problems, general awareness of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques.
3 credits
CD-110 Anatomy and Physiology of Speech And Hearing
Normal anatomy and physiology of the speech and hearing mechanisms with emphasis on respiration, phonation, resonance, articulation, and audition.
3 credits
CD-115 Normal Development of Speech and Language
An in-depth coverage of the normal acquisition and development of speech and language, including phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics.
3 credits
CD-230 Neuroscience for Communication Sciences and Disorders
Structure and function of the nervous system and its relation to normal and disordered speech, language, and hearing.
3 credits
CD-103 Language Science
Introduction to basic linguistic knowledge including theoretical areas of pragmatics, semantics, syntax, morphology and phonology in a multicultural perspective.
3 credits
CD-201 Hearing Science
Basic information to understand concepts in audiology: physical concepts, acoustics, psychoacoustics, measurement of sound and speech perception theories.
3 credits
CD-305 Introduction to Audiology
Introduction to audiometric testing techniques and interpretation as related to ear pathologies.
3 credits
CD-310 Language Disorders
Examination of the processes interfering with normal language acquisition and the disorders which disturb established language skills in children and adults.
3 credits
CD-320 Speech Disorders
Study of the theoretical bases of articulation, voice and fluency disorders. Etiology, characteristics, evaluation and rehabilitation of these disorders.
3 credits