Prepare to make a difference in the lives of students.
The Education Major combines a broad liberal arts foundation with an integrated professional teacher preparation program and will prepare you for initial licensure with the Massachusetts Department of Education. In addition to theory, fieldwork is an essential component of the program. You will get well-rounded teaching experience with practicum placements, working with different grade levels at varied schools in urban, rural, and suburban settings. Preparation for the Massachusetts Test for Educator Licensure (MTEL) is embedded in the program at various stages and must be passed to obtain the initial license.
- Learn about the developmental process of children and teens
- Understand the principles of education
- Develop curriculum
- Present lessons in various subject areas to students
- Engage in fieldwork
- Prepare for certification as a lead teacher through the Department of Education
Explore sample courses in this program. -
ED-120 The Educational Experience through Memoirs
Explores educational issues through reading memoirs on teaching and being a student focused on diversity. Provides advanced reading strategies.
3 credits
ED-149 Introduction to the Teaching Profession: Middle/Secondary School
This course provides a basic understanding to the teaching aspects in middle and secondary classrooms. It explores the Massachusetts Department of Educational Professional Standards for Teachers and gives students a general orientation to the profession. Principles of the teaching/learning process and related skills are addressed, in addition to observable behaviors in the classroom setting(s). Students are required to do 5 fieldwork observation hours in an accredited middle/secondary school.
3 credits
ED-150 Introduction to the Teaching Profession
Overview of the teaching profession, including an examination of a variety of grade levels (birth to grade 12), learning environments, equity issues, and school management and organization. Developmental domains of learning are introduced. Students engage in lesson planning, observational techniques, and collaboration. 5 hours of fieldwork or experiential learning.
3 credits
ED-155 Teaching and Learning in Elementary School
Overview of the teaching profession, examination of a variety of learning environments, organizing and managing schools, integrating curricula, observational techniques. 5 hours of fieldwork.
3 credits
ED-160 Early Childhood Education Today
Exploration of early childhood education emphasizing developmentally appropriate creativities, motor skills. Discussion focuses on families, community resources, play, integration of special needs. 5 hours of fieldwork.
3 credits
ED-206 Development and Learning of Typical and Atypical Children Birth to Age 8
Analysis of children's learning, focusing on special education and typical and atypical conditions for learning from birth through age 8.
3 credits
ED-207 The Adolescent in Schools and Society
This course investigates the educational, psychological, social, and environmental factors related to adolescents in school settings.
3 credits
ED-211 Integrating Science, Social Studies, and the Fine Arts in Early Childhood Curriculum
Designing and evaluating multi-disciplinary curricula for all children; materials, organizing environments, regulations, learning theories, evaluation of children’s learning and development. 10 hours of fieldwork.
3 credits
ED-250 Educational Psychology
Learning and developmental processes of typical and atypical learners. Motivation, relationships of intelligence, affect, and achievement. Application to teaching and learning. 10 hours of fieldwork.
3 credits
ED-251 Principles of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in Middle and High School
Introduces lesson planning, literacy demands, curriculum development, and assessment strategies at the middle and high school level. 10 hours of fieldwork.
3 credits
ED-270 Diversity and Multicultural Ed
Introduction to multicultural education and equity and social justice issues in education including a focus on race, ethnicity, languages, class, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and disabilities.
3 credits
ED-271 International and Comparative Education
This course compares the educational policies, practices, and outcomes in 2 or more countries.
3 credits
ED-285 Understanding and Supporting Children and Youth with Disabilities
Introduction to the characteristics of diverse children and youth with disabilities and multidisciplinary supports designed to meet their special needs for success in school.
3 credits
ED-304 Best Practices for English Language Learners
Research-based grade level subject matter, instructional strategies, and performance assessments of English language learners are the focus of discussions and class projects.
3 credits
ED-306 Elementary Reading, Language Arts, and Literature
Stresses interrelationships of oral/written communication; investigates concepts, skills, and procedures for teaching literacy and using children’s literature in grades 1 to 6. 20 hours of fieldwork.
3 credits
ED-307 ECE - Science
Thematically taught developmentally appropriate activities linked to state science frameworks (life, physical, earth/space). Emphasizing hands-on inquiry and relevance to learners’ experiences, and addressing diversity, authentic assessment, and use of technology. 10 hours of fieldwork.
3 credits
ED-308 ECE - Mathematics
Application of Piaget’s ideas to early mathematical education. Other well-known psychologists’ views concerning early mathematics instruction, with application. Field experience. 10 hours of fieldwork.
3 credits
ED-330 Elementary Social Studies and Multiculturalism
Goals, curriculum, skills, issues, teaching strategies in educating diverse populations in a global context. 10 hours of fieldwork.
3 credits