Enhance your major with a minor in business administration.
Learn the foundations of business with the Business Administration Minor. You will learn about statistics, micro- and macroeconomics, international finance and trade, and financial accounting. You will also study management principles, banking and monetary policy, economic development, and analytical techniques.
Explore sample courses in this program. -
EC-150 Statistics
Basic tools of statistical analysis appropriate to research in the social sciences; topics include measures of central tendency, hypothesis testing, time series, index numbers, regression, and correlation.
3 credits
EC-110 Introduction to Microeconomics
An introduction to the operation of the American market system and to the behavior of its participants whether consumers, producers, the government, or other nations engaged in international trade with the United States.
3 credits
BA-200 Principles of Management
Study of management practices and behavior in organizational settings; emphasis on introduction to managerial principles, concepts, and fundamentals.
3 credits
BA-210 Financial Accounting I
Principles, concepts, procedures, and techniques of financial accounting necessary for preparation, understanding, and interpretation of accounting information.
3 credits
BA-220 Accounting II
Continuation of the topics covered in BA 210.
3 credits
BA-230 Managerial Accounting
Analysis, interpretation and use of accounting data for effective managerial planning, control and decision-making.
3 credits
BA-250 Analytical Techniques in Business
Identification and analysis of common business problems using proper quantitative techniques and standard business software.
3 credits
EC-307 International Finance
Study of how international trade and investment is financed in a world of floating, fixed, and managed exchange rate systems.
3 credits
EC-308 International Trade
Reasons nations gain by spatial specialization and exchange with other countries. Analysis of the mechanism by which international equilibrium is restored. Study of trade and foreign exchange policies.
3 credits