Prepare to make a difference in the lives of students.
The 4+ Secondary Initial Licensure program is for students who are majoring in DESE-approved licensure program areas and are seeking a license issued by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education at the secondary school level.
Explore sample courses in this program. -
ED-149 Introduction to the Teaching Profession Middle/Secondary School
This course provides a basic understanding to the teaching aspects in middle and secondary classrooms. It explores the Massachusetts Department of Educational Professional Standards for Teachers and gives students a general orientation to the profession. Principles of the teaching/learning process and related skills are addressed, in addition to observable behaviors in the classroom setting(s). Students are required to do 5 fieldwork observation hours in an accredited middle/secondary school.
3 credits
ED-150 Introduction to the Teaching Profession
Overview of the teaching profession, including an examination of a variety of grade levels (Birth-Grade 12), learning environments, equity issues, and school management and organization. Developmental domains of learning are introduced. Students engage in lesson planning, observational techniques, and collaboration. 5 hours of fieldwork or experiential learning.
ED-207 The Adolescent in Schools and Society
This course investigates the educational, psychological, social, and environmental factors related to adolescents in school settings.
3 credits
ED-251 Principles of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in Middle and High School
Introduces lesson planning, literacy demands, curriculum development, and assessment strategies at the middle and high school level. 10 hours of fieldwork.
3 credits
ED-270 Diversity and Multicultural Ed
Introduction to multicultural education, equity, and social justice issues in education including a focus on race, ethnicity, languages, class, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and disabilities.
3 credits
ED-909 RETELL: Best Practices for English Language Learners
The course addresses research based institutional and assessment strategies for English language learners. 25 hours of pre-practicum experience working with culturally diverse learners is required.
3 credits
ED-957 Instructional Design and Evaluation for Middle School Grades
The course reviews relevant models of instruction and their application in middle school grades. Examines appropriate evaluation strategies and approaches designed to give students the ability to plan and implement overall assessment strategies, including alternative assessment and the use of technology in instruction and evaluation. Includes 25 pre-practicum hours.
3 credits
ES-925 Inclusive Settings: Learning Strategies and management Techniques (5-12)
The course focuses on learning and behavior needs of children with disabilities. Developing strategies to improve teaching and learning for all students in inclusive grade 5-12 classrooms. The course does not meet competencies for license in moderate disabilities.
3 credits
ES-905 Methods and Materials for Teaching Humanities
The course focuses on teaching methods and advanced curriculum course for humanities fields including English, world language, and history / political science. Taken concurrently with pre-practicum.
3 credits
ES-906 Methods and Materials for Teaching Science and Math
The course focuses on teaching methods and advanced curriculum course for science and mathematics fields, including biology, chemistry, environmental science, and health. Candidates develop skills in assessment, data collection, and adjustment to practice based on evidence and apply these skills in the pre-practicum classroom. Taken concurrently with pre-practicum.
3 credits
ES-921 Clinical Experience for Middle-Secondary Grades (5-12)
Pre-practicum experience in the subject area and at the level necessary to meet requirements of license which the candidate is pursuing. Involves planning, implementing, and evaluating learning for every student.
3 credits
ED-981 Advanced Foundations of Education
The course explores historical, philosophical, psychological, legal, and cultural foundations for education and school practices.
3 credits
ED-974 Curriculum Development and Innovations (Secondary School)
The course draws upon extensive review of the literature on curriculum theory and models of instruction to examine relevant innovations in curriculum development and instructional delivery; noting their practical applications in secondary schools.
3 credits
ED-975 Assessment, Differentiation, and Data Analysis in Secondary Schools
This course is designed to give high school teachers the ability to plan and implement overall assessment strategies appropriate for secondary school grades including formative, summative, performance based, differentiated, and self-assessment strategies. Analysis of assessment data inform adjustments to practice.
3 credits
ES-950 Disciplinary, Multimodal, and Critical Literacies across the Content Area
This course examines the language, literacy, and technology demands in history, math, the sciences, English language arts, Spanish, and other academic disciplines and guides teachers to develop effective strategies to meet those demands. It focuses on the literacy and technology skills that students in all subjects need to be college, career, and world ready and strategies for effective differentiation and adaptation for English language learners and students with learning disabilities.
3 credits
ED-963 The Understanding and Teaching of Culture
The course focuses on approaches to cultural analysis and survey of techniques used to teach culture in the classroom.
3 credits
ED-982 Research in Education
The course examines different research methods and designs, including writing hypothesis, reviewing literature, gathering data, and preparing research proposals.
3 credits
ED-994 Thesis Seminar
Students work with faculty advisor(s) to design, implement, and evaluate a formal study that seeks to investigate a significant issue, professional and content related, in secondary school education. The focus is on the application of research skills and the presentation of research reports.
3 credits