Gissell Hernandez, carrying her daughter Sarai Hernandez, 4, greets family and friends after receiving her graduate degrees on May 12 at Worcester State’s Graduate Commencement and Hooding. Hernandez, who recently accepted a position as a school psychologist with Southbridge Public Schools, earned her master’s of education and education specialist degree in school psychology.

“This degree does not only belong to me, but it also belongs to my daughter, to my immigrant parents, and to mi gente,” Hernandez said. “I am a proud Latina and I am proud to see that the obstacles I have faced, and continue to face, have not stopped me from moving forward. !Lo logramos!”

Hernandez will apply her graduate degrees to advocate for all students with disabilities and ensure they receive all the necessary services and accommodations that will allow them to succeed. “I especially want to advocate for my culturally and linguistically diverse students to ensure they are evaluated and provided support that takes into account their diverse and complex backgrounds,” she said. “I will use my degree to ensure all students have access to the resources they need to succeed in and out of school.”

—Deborah Alvarez O’Neil

Photo by Matt Wright ’10
