Christopher J. Weagle ’07, M.S., Ph.D.

MAJORS: Criminal Justice/History
PROFESSIONAL: Captain, Special Operations Division, Massachusetts Department of Correction; Adjunct Faculty, Worcester State, Nichols College, Fisher College

Our criminal justice system is far from perfect, but it is built on a foundation of fairness and the rule of law dating back to the founding of the U.S. It takes passionate practitioners, researchers, and advocates to work through some of the challenges we face and make improvement for anyone who comes into contact with the justice system. Having a seat at that table, being able to engage stakeholders in dialogue, and coming to mutual agreements on progressing change is always exciting, especially when we can see the fruits of our labors.

Students inspire me to continue my work as a practitioner, and my mentors have inspired me to continue to grow as a person. To know there are other hungry minds also interested in criminal justice and making improvements helps drive me to develop changes that I want the next generation to see through to completion.

I often find myself saying that, even with all of my other education and professional experience, Worcester State University gave me the foundation to think critically, respectfully challenge the process, and innovate ways to improve the criminal justice system. My education at Worcester State helped prepare me not only for my professional career, but my responsibilities as an adult. I was able to attend college and be the first in my family to graduate with a college degree, which inspired my siblings and other family members to do the same. I’m forever grateful for the opportunities Worcester State has provided me with, and I am always trying to give just a little back whenever I can.
