Organization: ENGLISH AND WORLD LANGUAGESEvent Locator: 2023-AARHDZStudents from all fields of study are invited to share their creative and academic work at the Spring Celebration of Student Writing. Musicians are […]
Organization: HISTORY & POLITICAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENTEvent Locator: 2023-AARGDQWorcester State University's History & Political Science department welcome guest speaker Dr. Ling Zhang who will introduce part of her new book, 108 Meters in a talk titled, "Seventy Meters Below Is My Home: Geotrauma and Earthly Memories of East China". The Xin’an river valley in east China […]
Organization: VPEvent Locator: 2023-AARFZAWorcester State University and the Visual & Performing Arts Department proudly present the music of Jazz Ensemble. The concert will feature Spring 2023 work by a talented ensemble of Worcester State students, faculty, alumni, and community members. This event is free and open to the community. For more information, contact