Suite A-401
Become an adult learner at Worcester State!
Regardless of where you are in your educational career, Worcester State University is prepared to support you in your studies. You can pursue a bachelor’s degree, finish a degree you started, or take classes for professional development. With any path you take, you can be certain that it will support your goals because the University offers a variety of programs to help adult learners accomplish their educational and career aspirations.
Welcome from the Dean of Graduate Studies.
Worcester State University has a long history of serving post-traditional students. Starting as a teaching college in 1874, the University has always recognized and valued the adult student. You are a uniquely gifted group who balance work, home, and community obligations while bringing your best selves to the classroom. According to recent data, almost a quarter of our undergraduate students are classified as “adult learners,” and our faculty and more traditional students have their experiences enriched because you bring your vast experience and passion for education to your studies.
Whether those studies lead to a certificate, a highly respected bachelor’s degree, or a career-enhancing master’s degree, you will experience a high quality education here at Worcester State. More than 75% of our evening classes are taught by full-time faculty, including department chairs, tenured faculty, and nationally recognized researchers.
Some students are taking classes for personal enrichment while others are pursuing lifelong goals of completing a college degree or retooling for a career change. Whether you are here for a class or a degree (and beyond), Worcester State is ready to serve you and help you to succeed.
Welcome to Worcester State!
Dr. Roberta Kyle
Associate Vice President for Continuing Education
Dean of Graduate Studies
Matriculated & Non-Matriculated Students
Below you will find useful resources to assist you in your academic journey depending on your status as a matriculated or non-matriculated student.
Matriculated student
A student who has applied and been accepted to Worcester State University as a degree-seeking student.
Non-matriculated student
A student who registers for and takes classes at Worcester State University but has not been admitted into a degree program.
Academic Success Center: As a Matriculated student you are advised through the Academic Success Center for your first semester. After that, you are assigned an advisor who is a member of the full-time faculty in the department in which your degree program is located. You are admitted to a “catalog year” and must complete the requirements for your degree as outlined in that catalog.
Tutoring: Information regarding tutoring options at Worcester State
Adult Student Support: For any questions, concerns, or comments regarding life at Worcester State University as an adult student, please contact Leah Guzman at or 508-929-8512.
Student Accounts: The Student Accounts (aka Bursar’s) Office oversees all aspects of student financial accounts, including preparing bills, collecting payments, and processing refunds.
Career Services: The Career Services Office provides guidance to students in their career exploration. Their team is dedicated to preparing students to meet the needs of today’s workplace through assessments, counseling, events, and resources.
Counseling Center: The staff of Worcester State University’s Counseling Center understands the emotional pressure that many of our students experience. They are here to help you through these challenges, supporting you while you resolve a psychosocial issue, enhance your personal growth, and strengthen your academic skills and performance.
Division of Graduate and Continuing Education: The Division of Graduate and Continuing Education can help you pursue your goals while balancing the demands of work and family through their multiple course and program offerings, including evening courses, part-time schedules, online options, semester sessions, winter sessions, summer sessions, and more.
Financial Aid: The Financial Aid Office is here to assist you and your family with the process and guidelines of financing your education. They will work with you to ensure that you have a clear understanding of your financial aid options while attending Worcester State.
Library: The Library is the intellectual heart of Worcester State University, a place where members of the campus community converge, collaborate, learn, and discover. They are a friendly group of experts ready to assist you with your scholarly pursuits, including research consultations at the research help desk or by phone, email, and online chat.
Military and Veteran Students: As a veteran, military member, or dependent, you can take advantage of Worcester State University’s Veteran/Military Admission Program to enroll in one of the University’s undergraduate programs. This program will help you through a specific admission process, which may have requirements that vary from the traditional first-year and transfer admission procedures. It also allows you to maximize benefits awarded for your or your relative’s years of military service.
Parking Services: Information about Worcester State’s parking procedures, locations, decals, tags, and passes
Registrar’s office: The Registrar’s Office is here to assist you with all services related your academic records, including course registration, transcripts, records maintenance, security, and certification of veterans benefits (WooState login required).
Student Accessibility Services: The Student Accessibility Services at Worcester State University coordinates support services and programs that enable equal access to education and university life for students with disabilities. If you are living with one or more disabilities, Worcester State invites you to meet with them and register with their office—it is voluntary and confidential.
Wellness Center: The Athletics and Wellness Office is an integral part of Worcester State’s efforts to provide a high quality, affordable education and a caring environment that promotes the total development of students. The staff provides students with the opportunities to grow and learn through intercollegiate varsity athletics, intramurals, and wellness programs.
Credit for Prior Learning:
CLEP Exams: Worcester State’s Academic Success Center administers CLEP exams, which can enable students to get college credit for knowledge acquired in non-academic settings. Contact the Academic Success Center to learn more.
Prior Learning Portfolio (PLP): Worcester State recognizes that not all learning takes place in a classroom. Adult learners gain a wealth of experience and knowledge through work and life experience. The Prior Learning Portfolio (PLP) allows adult learners to document learning through submission of a portfolio that has the possibility of earning up to 18 credits.
ACE Credits for Professional Training: Some professional training programs offered outside of colleges and universities (like military training) have been evaluated for credit through the American Council on Education. Worcester State may award transfer credit for this type of training. Visit the ACE website for more information.
Department Challenge: When appropriate and with the sanction of the faculty advisor, students may request and complete a department developed exam to translate competencies into credit. A limited number of departments offer this as an option. Students are encouraged to talk to their academic advisor about this opportunity.
Advising: For questions on course selection and registration, please contact Leah Guzman, non-matriculated/adult student advisor, at or 508-929-8512.
Student Accounts: The Student Accounts (aka Bursar’s) Office oversees all aspects of student financial accounts, including preparing bills, collecting payments, and processing refunds.
Course Registration (Division of Graduate and Continuing Education): Registration information and documentation for graduate and continuing education offerings, as well as important dates
Graduate Admissions: Information about enrolling as a graduate student and moving forward with a program that works for you
Library: The Library is the intellectual heart of Worcester State, a place where members of the campus community converge, collaborate, learn, and discover. They are a friendly group of experts ready to assist you with your scholarly pursuits, including research consultations at the research help desk or by phone, email, and online chat.
Matriculated vs Non-Matriculated: An explanation of the differences between matriculated and non-matriculated student status at Worcester State
Military and Veteran Students: As a veteran, military member, or dependent, you can take advantage of Worcester State’s Veteran/Military Admission Program to enroll in one of the University’s undergraduate programs. This program will help you through a specific admission process, which may have requirements that vary from the traditional first-year and transfer admission procedures. It also allows you to maximize benefits awarded for your or your relative’s years of military service.
Parking Services: Information about our parking procedures, locations, decals, tags, and passes
Registrar’s office: The Registrar’s Office is here to assist you with all services related your academic records, including course registration, transcripts, records maintenance, security, and certification of veterans benefits (WooState login required).
Student Accessibility Services: The Student Accessibility Services at Worcester State coordinates support services and programs that enable equal access to education and university life for students with disabilities. If you are living with one or more disabilities, Worcester State invites you to meet with them and register with their office—it is voluntary and confidential.
Transfer Admissions: The Transfer Admissions Office assists students in the process to transferring to Worcester State. Their goal is to make your transfer admissions process as smooth and seamless as possible.
Undergraduate Admissions: A comprehensive guide to help you in the process of applying to purse an undergraduate degree at Worcester State
Wellness Center: The Athletics and Wellness Office is an integral part of Worcester State’s efforts to provide a high quality, affordable education and a caring environment that promotes the total development of students. The staff provides students with the opportunities to grow and learn through wellness programs.
The Worcester State Community -



Contact the Continuing Education Staff

Department: Graduate & Continuing Ed.
Suite A-401