LGBTQIA+ Community Center
2nd Floor
An on-campus, safe space dedicated to advocating for the needs of LGBTQIA+ students and their allies
The Worcester State University LGBTQIA+ Resource Center works to create an open and inclusive environment for all students, faculty and staff. The center aims to affirm all sexual orientations, forms of gender expression, and gender identities through advocacy, education, and events.
Message from President Barry Maloney
As Worcester State University strives to become one of the most accepting and inclusive campuses, we launch this web site providing information and resources not just for those who identify as LGBTQ+, but for everyone.
We established the Campus Climate Committee several years ago. Survey research the group undertook uncovered that we must do more to improve the experiences of all underrepresented groups, and, especially, those who identify as LGBTQ+. The Gender Identity working group (now the LGBTQ+ Advisory group) has since revamped our policies and procedures in areas such as data collection and campus records related to gender identity, chosen name, and pronouns.
Workshops and skill building sessions were held in academic year 2018-2019 to promote awareness and facilitate implementation of those changes. I appreciate the leadership the Gender Identity working group has demonstrated in moving us forward.
From this site, you can learn about resources available to, as well as the achievements and experiences of, our LGBTQ+ students, faculty, and staff. I ask you to explore it, and to do your part to make Worcester State University one of the most welcoming and inclusive campuses.
Campus Pride Index
In the Spring of 2021, the Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunity, in collaboration with the LGBTQIA+ Advisory Group, participated in the Campus Pride Index initiative to evaluate the University’s current environment and review recommended changes as well as a means of measuring future progress. The Campus Pride Index is an overall indicator of institutional commitment to LGBTQ-inclusive policies, programs and practices. Worcester State University is proud to receive a Campus Pride Index score of 4.5 out of 5. For more detailed information, please visit Worcester State’s Campus Pride Index.
Chosen Name and Pronoun Forms and Policy
In a recent update to university policy, students, faculty, and staff can now designate a chosen first name, pronouns, and non-binary gender identity within our information system. Chosen name will be used on internal campus communications wherever a legal name is not necessary.
Your chosen name will be reflected throughout the university’s computer information systems (including course registration lists, OneCard, Blackboard, and email addresses), and will be the official way you will be addressed throughout your daily life in our campus community. Students who would like to update information can visit the Registrar’s Office and fill out the “Chosen Name, Gender Identity, and Pronoun Request Form.”
After the form has been processed, you can update your OneCard and email address. For email address updates, submit a help desk ticket.
Faculty and staff interested in updating their information should contact Director of Employee Services, Sue Moore at
For more information about records and data collection, please see our Chosen Name and Pronoun Policy.
Lavender Celebration

LGBTQIA+ Friendly Events March 2025
March 3rd: T-Shirt Giveaway, 11a in the Student Center Living Room Area (second floor)
March 4th: General Meeting, 2-3p, Fallon Room (Student Center 3rd Floor)
March 5th: PRIDE BINGO, 6p, Blue Lounge (1st floor Student Center)
March 6th: ANNUAL DRAG SHOW, co-hosted by the Drag Club. Doors open at 6:30p. Sullivan Auditorium
March 11th: Allyship Training, 1-2p, Fallon Room (3rd Floor Student Center)
March 26th: LGBTQIA+ Support Group, 2-3p, Sullivan 108
Out and Ally List
The Worcester State University Out and Ally list is a resource provided by the Worcester State University LGBTQIA+ Resource Center. By agreeing to be part of the Out and Ally list, you are helping to promote LGBTQIA+ awareness and visibility on campus in the community.
The Out and Ally List serves as a community engagement resource for all LGBTQIA+ students seeking guidance, academic and non-academic support. Self-identified out and proud members show a rainbow flag icon.
Ally Email Address Self-Identifies Department Deborah Alvarez O’Neil Director of Communications, Communications/Marketing Jeremy Andreatta 🏳️🌈 Associate Professor, Chemistry Anne Armstrong Assistant Professor, Earth, Environment and Physics Laxmi Bissoondial Director, Office of Multicultural Affairs Erika Briesacher Professor, History and Political Science Andrew Burkhardt Assistant Professor, Department of Earth, Environment, and Physics Casey Brown 🏳️🌈 Area Coordinator, Residence Life and Housing Tiana Carrasquillo Associate Director of Admissions, Admissions Office Kim Carrell Theatre Faculty, Visual and Performing Arts Marina Casto Assistant Director, Residence Life & Housing Laura Caswell Assistant Director Administrative Computing, Information Technology Darlene Danielson Clerk, Residence Life and Housing Sarah Eagan 🏳️🌈 Assistant Professor, Psychology
Mary Flibbert Clerk, History, Political Science & Philosophy Kathryn Frazier Associate Professor, Psychology Jenna Glazer Associate Director, New Student Advising, Academic Success Center Julie Glovin Assistant Director, Counseling Drew Goins 🏳️🌈 Counselor, Counseling Services Rachel Graddy Associate Director, Student Accessibility Services Aleel Grennan Associate Professor,Biology Vicki Gruzynski 🏳️🌈 Teaching and Learning Librarian Julie Habjan Boisselle Center for Teaching & Learning/Academic Affairs Charlotte Haller Professor and Chair, Department of History and Political Science Tiffany Hexter Academic Advisor, Academic Success Center Bobbi Kyle Associate Vice President, Continuing Education/ Dean, Graduate Studies Ben McElroy Coordinator, Transfer Admissions/Undergraduate Admissions Office Riley McGuire 🏳️🌈 Assistant Professor, Department of English Sandra Medina-Vazquez Clerk IV, Department of Graduate and Continuing Education Kym Meyer Assistant professor, Communication Sciences & Disorders Nellie Miller 🏳️🌈 Receiving Teller, Student Accounts
Rita Mookerjee 🏳️🌈 Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary Studies Edgar Moros Director, Intensive English Language Institute Eric Nichols Assistant Professor, Communication Gabrielle Noe 🏳️🌈 Staff Assistant, Coordinator for Non-Benefited Hiring, Employee Services/Human Resources Katey Palumbo Director, International Programs Sarah Potrikus Assistant Director, Office of Student and Leadership Development Jennifer Quinn Assoc. Dean, Student Affairs
Nancy Ramsdell Director, Operations and Planning Support Services Facilities Kathleen Rogan Early College Director, Enrollment Management Nicole Rosa Associate Professor, Psychology Joan Safford Clerk V, Registrar’s Office Noa Shaindlinger 🏳️🌈 Assistant Professor, History and Political Science Shay Shuler 🏳️🌈 Assistant Professor, Health Sciences Elizabeth Siler Professor, Business Administration and Economics Department Nafisa Tanjeem Associate Professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies Amanda Taylor Faculty, Health Sciences Tammy Tebo Assistant Dean, Academic Success Center Stephanie Teixeira 🏳️🌈 Director, Military Affairs & Veteran Services; Deputy Title IX Coordinator Lynn Thompson Jumpstart Site Manager, Jumpstart Allison Vickstrom Staff Assistant, Enrollment Management Lori Williams Nurse Practitioner, Student Health Services Lois Wims Provost & Vice President
If you are interested in joining the Worcester State Out and Ally list, please click on the link below
If you would like to have a training for your group, organization, or department please reach out to 1 on 1 appointments to speak with an LGBTQIA+ Resource Center staff member are available at your convenience as well.
LGBTQIA+ Resources
This 30 minute training discusses all the LGBTQIA+ resources and connection points on campus.
Allyship Training
This 45 minute Allyship Training includes best support practices for the LGBTQIA+ community by learning basic terminology, key concepts, and resources.
This training is recommended before taking the Beyond the Binary training.
Beyond the Binary
Take a deeper dive with LGBTQIA+ education following the Allyship training.
Title IX & the LGBTQ+ Community
If you have experienced any form of sexual violence or discrimination based on sex, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation, please contact the Title IX Coordinator, Jennifer Quinn (, 508-929-8243) to report the incident and receive any support and guidance that may be needed.
Additional Resources:
- Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunity: or 508-929-8053
- Bias Incident Response Team: All members of the Worcester State community who experience or witness a bias incident should immediately report the incident via the Bias Incident Reporting. All reports of bias incidents are directed to the EO Officer and/or their designee(s) and then taken to the Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT). Find out about additional reporting options.
- Find out more about confidential reporting options and resources.
Worcester State University is committed to a policy of non-discrimination, equal opportunity, diversity and affirmative action, and dedicated to providing educational, working and living environments that value the diverse backgrounds of all people. Worcester State University does not discriminate in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its educational programs and activities on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, marital or parental status, or veteran status.
For more information or to report discrimination please contact the Office of Inclusive Excellence and Belonging.
- You have the right to present your gender however you choose.
- You have the right to have your correct name and pronouns respected.
- You have the right to engage in romantic and intimate relationships with people of any gender.
- You have the right to safety in an environment free from harassment, intimidation, or threats of harassment or intimidation.
- You have the right to knowledgeable and respectful healthcare providers.
- Abusers might attempt to wield control by threatening to “out” the survivor to friends, family or employers.
- Fear they will not be believed if they report an incident.
- Fear they will lose the support of their community.
- Fear that reporting the crime to the police or local agencies will expose them to discrimination, homophobia, or gender policing.
2nd Floor