To welcome back our students to yet another academic year, the Office of Student Involvement & Leadership Development has scheduled a variety of events for Welcome Back Week! Read below to learn more about the upcoming events.
Read Story Welcome Week 2021 ScheduleThe Student Trustee of Worcester State is an elected position that represents all WSU students on various committees and initiatives across campus. This year, Anna Johnson is serving her second term as Student Trustee.
Read Story Meet Anna Johnson, Student TrusteeEach year, an SGA President is elected to work with members of the Student Senate and the Worcester State community to ensure that WSU is serving the needs of all its students. This year, Karen Shalev is serving as SGA President.
Read Story Meet Karen Shalev, SGA PresidentAs we head into the new academic year, we would like to take this opportunity to welcome back all returning students as well as new students to WSU. The Office of Student Involvement and Leadership Development is so excited to return to some sense of normalcy this year with more students on campus and additional […]
Read Story A Welcome from the Director of Student InvolvementA vital part of our mission is leadership. LEADERSHIP IS MAKING CHANGE. This month: Celebrating Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Read Story Making Change: Asian and pacific Island HeritageImahni Bruno-Reeves, from Boston, MA is a Senior majoring in Communications. Along with her academic course load and involvement in campus leadership programs, Imahni is a former member of the Resident Assistant Staff and Committee Chair for Third World Alliance
Read Story Student Spotlight | Imahni Bruno-ReevesA vital part of our mission is leadership. LEADERSHIP IS MAKING CHANGE. This month: Celebrating Arab American Heritage Month
Read Story Making Change: Arab american HeritageAt the culmination of each semester’s Emerge Leadership Circle, students share their personal leadership philosophies. These philosophies are the culmination of a semester’s learning and reflection, and each is as unique as the participant themselves.
Read Story 2021 Emerge Leadership PhilosophiesTake some time to learn more about Christian Fellowship at Worcester State!
Read Story Club Highlight | Christian FellowshipArianna Giasson, from Somerset, MA, is a junior in the Occupational Therapy program. Along with her academic course load and involvement in campus leadership programs, Ari is also president of the Student Occupational Therapy Association, secretary of the LGBTQ+ Alliance, and a member of Best Buddies.
Read Story Student Spotlight | Ari Giasson