2018 Emerge Leadership Philosophies

December 3, 2018

At the culmination of each semester’s Emerge Leadership Circle, students share their personal leadership philosophies. These philosophies are the culmination of a semester’s learning and reflection, and each is as unique as the participant themselves.

Lyndsey Broxton
Class of 2022

“My mission as a leader is to encourage people to be the best they can be. Everyone has the potential to be successful and achieve their goals with the proper help and effort needed. I grew up in a house that taught me to do everything and anything that I do to my best ability and I truly believe that has had a major effect on me throughout my entire life and within this program. Throughout this entire program, I have learned an incredible amount about myself as well as the other people present in the program with me. One thing I learned about myself is that I love to take action right away, and I’m always thinking ahead and how everyone can be included in the solution to one of the activities Jessica and Sarah had us do. The biggest take back I learned throughout the program is that in numbers there is strength, diversity as well as some butting heads but that’s what make the dynamic of the group work itself. Not everyone is the same, looks the same, feels the same or even thinks the same, but ensuring everyone is heard and included is what it’s all about. My goals as a leader are to ensure communication, make sure all voices are heard, and make sure everyone is included no matter ethnicity, ability, or opinion. We’re all in this together, in this maze that we call life; in numbers there is strength.”

Michaela Florio
Class of 2022

“Today in society, everyone strives for happiness. With the ideas of how our lives are structured for us, or have been at least, it can be difficult to really decipher on your own of what you want to do. Graduating from high school, to then going to college and getting a degree, to finding the love of your life, and later starting a family. These expectations from society are embedded into our minds, and when we reach the standards, this is when “happiness” happens. Well, that’s wrong. There is an ideology that meeting society standards will make us happy, but this isn’t quite the case. If you think about it, we may be labeled as human-beings but technically due to our behavior, it’s human-doings. We do so much to fit into society rather than just be. Being who you want to be, rather doing what is “expected” is what I find to be the actual recipe to happiness. Just reflecting, understanding your identity, and using personal values to the best advantage is truly key to happiness.

Simply being and learning from hardships that occur in life to use for our own benefit, is what an effective leader can provide. Having experiences that may not be favorable is tragic, but in the end, this is what makes us strong leaders. My leadership philosophy is to simply just be, and not do, with every experience we are we are given because we can use it to our advantage for effective communication.”

Jaylene Hurley
Class of 2022

“When I was a child and first heard the terms “follower” and “leader,” I immediately thought to myself that I do not want to be a follower. I wanted to be someone that forged my own path, not someone who followed in the footsteps of others. I thought that would make me a leader.

I used to think being a leader was just standing out- being different from everyone else. But I’ve learned that being a leader is much more than that. To me, it’s understanding differences in others and recognizing that everyone has their own individuality. It’s seeing those differences and continuing to not only accept others, but bring them together. I truly believe that understanding others is the best quality a leader could have, for it is the way to reduce the amount of hatred in the world.

After all, ‘Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.'”

Anna Johnson
Class of 2022

“To me, being a leader is more than being in control. It’s about having a passion for what you do. I have to come to the realization that I can’t be a leader if I see it as an opportunity for taking advantage of people. Being a leader means being able to share duties according to everyone’s perspective and their strengths. Being a leader is about setting an example that everyone can learn from. As a leader, I am open-minded, considerate of others who are unafraid to voice their opinion, and trustworthy. I will establish an environment in which my team and I have shared values and one common goal.

I walked into Worcester State thinking I was a leader, simply because I said I was a leader. I wasn’t afraid to take up any challenge. But then I met people who changed my view of who I was as a leader. I realized that my leadership skills were just imagination that needed to be practical. Leadership comes with more responsibility and more actions to be accounted for. These people made me understand that I wanted to be a leader for a cause that has meaning, not just any cause. A leader doesn’t just automatically appear and start making great decisions. Being a leader is not like eating a piece of cake or controlling a TV remote. It takes a lot of determination to become a leader who people admire and are inspired by. My leadership talent does not make me a good leader unless I am willing to learn from others and to practice being a leader. I must be open to the opinions of others in order to become the leader I see myself as.

I have always wanted to make a difference in the lives of people who have never had a good leader. I want to be a leader who is approachable, inspirational, and empathetic. I want to bring out the best in my community by reflecting their positivity. I want to continue to learn from my community the best way to lead them. I consider myself a leader who is willing to take up any challenges in order to lead with an optimistic mindset.”

Lea Markham
Class of 2021

“The first step to becoming a leader is knowing yourself. Your core values, beliefs, and ideas and personality will inevitably shape the leader you are. Your leadership identity is as unique as your own fingerprint, in that your style of leadership is like no other. Sticking to those values will help you to remember to be confident in your abilities, to trust your instincts and to relax and be yourself. When others see that you are confident and assertive in who you are, it helps to create a positive environment when those who you are leading trust you and believe you just as you believe in yourself.

It is also important to remember that your leadership style may change over time. Do not be afraid of change, as it could be an opportunity to grow and learn. Your values and beliefs may change as you grow which could change the way you lead. Remember to always actively listen and be open to others ideas and opinions, even if they do not align with your own. Being adaptable is important and essential to being a good and strong leader.

Lastly I’d like to share my life philosophy that I try my best to live by. When life is taking a lot of turns and changes, remember the lobster. As a lobster grows its hard shell does not grow with it, so it must break out of it in order to continue to grow. So when life is throwing change at you left and right, just remember that it may be time for you to break out of that shell and take that opportunity to grow.”

Hannah Millen
Class of 2021

“I believe that being a leader is being a strong voice of reason. In life, you have to be able to stand up for what you believe in and what is right. This is a journey that never stops. As we grow, the leader in us grows and our voice will become louder. Through my growth, I will continue to lead with confidence, not only in myself, but in the ones looking up to me. My mantra is that I will encourage people to follow in my footsteps, but also make a path of their own.”

Megan Miller
Class of 2021

“Being involved as a leader has allowed me to step out of my own comfort zone and as a leader my mission is to help others do the same. I believe a key to leadership is presenting people with the opportunity to do something that they may have never saw themselves doing, guiding them on ways that they can be successful and then stepping back and letting them find their own success. I believe that being a good role model for others is a very important part of being a leader. If I want something to be done in a certain way then it is my duty as a leader to demonstrate that way for others.”

Bridget Sheehan 
Class of 2021

“The kind of leader I aim to be:

Good listener/communicator

I chose to make an acronym of my name describing what I aim to be as a leader. I am to be brave and always stand up for what I believe in and to stand up for others; to be respectful and always consider others’ feeling and thoughts; to be independent and to be able to form my own thoughts and opinions; to be determined to finish everything I start; to be a good listener and communicator, so I can interact with everyone effectively; to be encouraging and supportive not only towards others but also myself, and to be thoughtful in my actions and words.

I think that these qualities (along with many others) are very important in being an effective leader and I hope to emulate these in the future in all aspects of my life.”

Keara Vangel 
Class of 2021

“As a leader, I listen to others’ ideas, thoughts, and opinions, and always take them into consideration. I spend time trying to help people see the best in themselves, and always encourage them to know their worth. I serve as a leader to the children that I work with every day and always implement these strategies in everything that I do with them. I value honesty and always telling the truth and expect the same in return. I respect when people share their different perspectives on things, and value others who are not afraid to speak their mind.”