Club Highlight | Dance Company

Take some time to learn more about Dance Company at Worcester State!

Club Name: Dance Company
Mission: Create a space of creativity and community for students to meet new people and either continue their dance journey or start a new one!
Club Meeting Time:  Classes are offered Monday-Thursday for different styles and skill levels. Classes are typically held for one hour 4-10pm.
Contact information/Social Media: IG @wsu.danceco

Why should students get involved with your organization?
Students should get involved with Dance Company because we offer a wide variety of classes and opportunities. Our classes range from beginner to advanced and styles include jazz, hip hop, lyrical/contemporary, tap and this semester- musical theater and modern! Dancers can audition to become choreographers after one semester. 

Members performing at the spring 2021 showcase

What types of events and/or programs do you do throughout the year?
We have classes every week for students; they can take one class weekly or all of them. We are sponsoring a Pep Rally on September 17th and will be dancing at Homecoming on September 18th! We have a banquet for our members each semester with food and raffles, but our big event is our two showcases at the end of each semester! 

What has been one of the biggest successes of this organization?
I think one of our biggest successes of this organization is how involved all of our members are. Some of our members have never danced prior to college and go on to teach some of our classes. Our dancers become a family! Another success story for Dance Company is that during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, our organization was able to still hold classes for our dancers to still do what they love and in the spring of 2021 we had our spring showcase (our first since fall 2019).

What do you think your organization brings to the students at Worcester State?
Our organization brings a lot of fun and a sense of community. We have a lot of opportunities for students to [take on] leadership roles as well as challenge themselves. Dance Company is a stress reliever for our members because of the fun atmosphere and the opportunities to express themselves through dance.

How can interested students join Dance Company?
It’s easy! Our first meeting is on September 8th at 4pm. Students should check out our Instagram page for details starting in September. Our president and VP are active on Instagram answering DMs! Students can also email the president to be added to our master list to receive company emails (! 

How can the campus community learn more about your programs and events?
Our Instagram page!!

Dance Company officers and choreographers