Meet Kaitlin Schott, Student Trustee
The Student Trustee of Worcester State is an elected position that represents all WSU students on various committees and initiatives across campus. This year, Kaitlin Schott is serving her first term as Student Trustee.

Student Trustee Kaitlin Schott
Class of 2024, Business Administration with a concentration in management and a minor in economics
Hometown | Southampton, MA
Campus Involvement | Student Government Association, Asian Cultural “Boba” Club, Academic Judicial Board, Conference and Event Services Office employee
Can you describe the role of the Student Trustee? What do they do for the student body?
The Student Trustee brings a student perspective to the Board of Trustees. This way, the board has an understanding of what Worcester State is like from a student point of view, not an administrative one.
What are some of the goals you hope to accomplish while in this position?
My goal is to attend more major organization and special interest group events and general meetings. I want to be able to interact with more students. I think it’s important to get any type of feedback from my peers that I can, so I can be as informative at board meetings as possible.
What do you foresee as some of the challenges you could face in this position?
Some of the challenges that I foresee in this position is not being able to attend as many events and meetings as I would like. Going into my senior year, I have a lot coming up between classes, homework, work, SGA, and board meetings. However, I am optimistic that between two semesters, I’ll be able to accomplish my goals!
At the end of the year, looking back, what do you hope your fellow students remember about you?
I hope fellow students remember that I did my best to represent the student body. I also hope that students remember that I really cared about this position and helping the Worcester State community.
What advice would you give to students who are just beginning to explore the type of leader or the type of person they hope to become?
Be open to new experiences and don’t shy away from opportunities that are presented to you. This is the time to explore the type of person you want to be and take advantage of it while you can.
What are your current plans for the next few years?
I want to find somewhere to work in the business management field. I’ve been considering hospitality as well as event planning, but nothing is set in stone.