Congratulations to the Class of 2023

In celebration of our graduating seniors, we reached out to graduating members of our leadership programs and student organizations and asked

What advice would you give to your freshman-year self?

Briana Chang
“The advice that I would give to my freshman-year self would be to keep an open mind. Being open-minded allows for new opportunities and different experiences to occur that allow you to further grow as a person. College is all about growth as a person and keeping an open mind is the first step.”

Brittany Cimaglia
“If I could offer freshman-me any piece of advice, it would be to allow yourself the space to process these new feelings you’re experiencing. It’s okay to be anxious or scared, but know that everyone around you is feeling the same way. Reach out for help when you need it and I promise that everything will be okay. There are some pretty exciting things coming your way over the next four years. Enjoy every second, because before you know it, you’re going to be walking across that stage and receiving the diploma that once seemed so out of reach. Just be yourself and everything will work out the way it’s supposed to.”

Erica Hanlon
“The biggest piece of advice I would give to my freshman-year self is to embrace who I am and express myself fully. I would reassure myself that I will be accepted for who I am and that Worcester State would welcome me as I am. For the most part, people in college are happy to see others being their authentic selves and there are no cliques or many judgmental people. Wear what you want, go to any club meeting you want to, get involved, speak up, and above all, embrace yourself.”

Caitlin Kincaid
“The most significant piece of advice I would give my freshman-year self, is to protect your peace; what I mean by that is to take care of your mental health. At the end of the day, the most important thing in life is to take care of yourself, and I’d remind myself that taking care of yourself is productive. Perfection is unrealistic, and in a short period of time whatever you are currently stressing over will most likely not matter. Nobody has it all figured out, so be kinder to yourself, be present in the moment, and be proud of the “small” accomplishments.”

Julia Sadowski

“The biggest piece of advice that I would give to my freshman-year self is to keep going. To not give up even though you really might want to- don’t because it’ll all be worth it one day. Find the motivation to keep going!”

Haley Samara
“Don’t lose sight of your passions even when adjusting to college life. Things may challenge you, but setting aside time for what makes you happy will help you be resilient through any obstacle you face.”

Mikah Williams
“This too shall pass”
“Less thinking, more living”
My senior quote was “Life isn’t about avoiding the storm is about learning how to dance in the rain”
If older me were to tell the younger me any of these I think I’d have a bit more peace of mind trusting the process.
Thank you to all of our seniors for their work and leadership over the years, and congratulations on your graduation!

Fall 2022 members of the Excel program enjoy a night at Bowlero.
