Club Highlight | Muslim Student Association
Take some time to learn more about the Muslim Student Association at Worcester State!
Club Name: Muslim Student Association
Mission: The purpose of this organization is to create a safe space that allows Muslim students to embrace their identity and come together to support each other and for other student body to learn about the Muslim community. Our goals include promoting unity and conducting social, cultural, and religious activities in order to educate others.
Club Meeting Time: Biweekly, time and day TBD
Contact information/Social Media: IG: @wsu.msa, email
Why should students get involved with your organization?
Students should get involved with MSA to learn a little bit about their Muslim peers on campus. Our programs and events are educational and fun, mainly focused on establishing a sense of unity within our members.

What types of events and/or programs do you do throughout the year?
In the past we have held calligraphy/paint nights, jeopardy games, and a henna night fundraiser with a bake sale aspect. During Ramadan, which is the Islamic holy month of fasting, we held an Iftaar on campus open to all students, which is a dinner during which Muslims break their fasts. In the upcoming semester, we hope to participate in regular volunteering around the local community.
What has been one of the biggest successes of this organization?
Aside from starting the club and recruiting members, one of our most successful events was our Henna Night Fundraiser, which was our first fundraiser as a club. Many of our members participated in preparing for and setting up the event, and we also had many others show up to get their henna done and buy some baked goods. Some students said they had specifically marked the day in their calendar for this event, which was amazing to hear.
What do you think your organization brings to the students at Worcester State?
Our platform is mainly based on providing a sense of community for Muslim students at WSU and for other students who want to learn about Islam or connect with people of different backgrounds. We advocate for the Muslim body on campus and arrange for prayer rooms. We also hold fun team-building activities and participate in community service.
How can interested students join your organization?
Anyone interested in joining our organization can email us or DM us on Instagram. They are welcome to reach out to any of the board members as well.
How can the campus community learn more about your programs and events?
To learn more about our programs and events, look out for flyers around campus, follow our Instagram page, and/or ask to join our email list.

MSA members at the 2022 Iftaar dinner.