Club Highlight | Christian Fellowship

Take some time to learn more about Christian Fellowship at Worcester State!

Club Name: WSU Christian Fellowship
Mission: To introduce students to the Christian faith, encourage Christians to grow in their faith, create a place of fellowship, encouragement, and fun, and to provide opportunities to serve the local and global community.
Club Meeting Time:  Mondays 6-7pm, Lancer’s Loft (in-person); Wednesdays 6-7pm, Zoom
Contact information/Social Media: IG @WSUCF | Email

Why should students get involved with your organization?
Our organization provides a great place to meet new people, explore faith, and be encouraged and supported by others. We also have great opportunities to attend events and go on mission trips and retreats.

What types of events and/or programs do you do throughout the year?
We usually have some volunteer project events, where people come and help us do a project to help those in need. We also have a monthly get-together event with other Worcester college fellowships/groups, where we hear from a speaker and worship together. We also have retreats and trips that are offered to students who want to attend.

What has been one of the biggest successes of this organization?
One of the biggest successes of this organization is the way we’ve been able to give back, not only to the campus, but the local community as well. Through our weekly meetings, events, and just the relationships we’ve built on campus, that is one thing we are really proud of and excited to continue. 

What do you think your organization brings to the students at Worcester State?
We think that we bring a place of support, joy, and encouragement to the students of WSU. A place that not only provides the opportunity to explore something greater than themselves, but also the opportunity to be a part of something greater.

How can interested students join Christian Fellowship?
Interested students are welcome to join by sending us an email or a DM on our Instagram (@WSUCF). We have a link to join our email list on the WSU website. They are also welcome to attend one of our weekly meetings to get to know what our group is all about, and the same goes for our events we have on campus. 

How can the campus community learn more about your programs and events?
The campus community can learn more about our programs and events on our Instagram page (@WSUCF), as well as on the WSU website, where we have a link to join our email list. Feel free to reach out to if you have any questions or want to get connected!