Welcome Week 2020 Schedule

To welcome back our students to yet another academic year, the Office of Student Involvement & Leadership Development has scheduled a variety of in-person and virtual events for Welcome Back Week! Read below to learn more about the upcoming events.
Wednesday September 2nd
- Welcome Back Outdoor bash – Our first socially distant of the year! Come customize your own welcome week tshirt and play inflatable games for prizes and giveaways!
- Commuter Welcome Bags – OSILD/Commuter Services will be handing out our yearly welcome bags with gifts and information for commuters
Thursday September 3rd
- First Late Night Lancer! Reslife will be kicking off their weekly late night lancer program with Active Minds. Come make your own Zen Gardens!
Friday September 4th – Drive in Movie Night! Hosted by SEC!
- Dive up and safely gather for our drive in style movie on the lower campus lot! Now Showing Grease!
Saturday September 5th & Sunday September 6th
- DIY Giveaways at the POD! Craft kits will be available for some DIY Fun over the weekend. (DIY Pillows and plant holders)
Monday September 7th
- Stranger Things & Netflix Trivia! Students can compete in virtual trivia all about everyone’s favorite netflix shows and compete for stranger things prizes!
Tuesday September 8th
- Virtual Bingo! Sign on for a bingo night to win gift cards!
Wednesday September 9th
- Virtual Commuter Social hosted by CAB and Commuter Services! Commuters can take some time to connect with CAB and commuter services for some fun and virtual giveaways!
Welcome week will lead into involvement week (Club Kickoff) Tuesday the 8th through Friday the 11th where students can meet our clubs virtually and in person!