Mim Plavin-Masterman
Mim Plavin-Masterman
508-929-8342 mplavinmasterman@worcester.edu
Faculty Member's Office
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Areas of Expertise


I have two research streams: First, I study the efforts of entrepreneurs to reclaim abandoned spaces in support of making cities more livable. More specifically, I examine the discourse practices entrepreneurs engage in that help them sustain their projects over the long time periods in which they occur (often 10 years or more). In doing so, my research contributes to a better understanding of how these projects come to be, what impacts they have on the cities they are in, and other later projects trying to emulate their success.

Second, I study social class in college, and pedagogical implications of teaching across social class lines. This includes redesigning courses to improve student engagement and learning, along with efforts to use Open Educational Resources in Management courses, and the impact on student learning and retention.