Enhance your major with a forensic science minor.
Forensic science is an interdisciplinary academic area of study that draws from a wide range of disciplines including biology, biotechnology, chemistry, computer science, and criminal justice. The mission of the forensic science minor is to provide a quality educational experience that will enable students to reach the highest standards of academic excellence through a generalist perspective on the forensic sciences. The program will provide opportunities for the analysis and application of knowledge through exposure to a wide variety of scientific disciplines and professional skill sets.
Explore sample courses in this program. -
BT-101 Introduction to Forensic Sciences
Survey of forensic case studies and the laboratory techniques used to solve crimes including microscopy, chromatography, ballistics, and DNA analysis.
4 credits
BT-240 Research Experience for Undergraduates
Lab- and/or field-based research on a specific research topic under the supervision of a faculty member. Permission of instructor required.
1 to 6 credits
BT-408 Directed Study: Biotechnology
Directed study offers students who, because of unusual circumstances, may be unable to register for a course when offered the opportunity to complete an existing course with an established syllabus under the direction of and with agreement from a faculty member.
3 credits
BT-440 Advanced Research Experience
Advanced lab and/or field-based research on a specific research topic under the supervision of a faculty member. Prerequisites: BI-205. Instructor permission required. Junior/senior standing required.
1 to 6 credits
BT-450 Internship in Biotechnology
Qualified upper-level biotechnology majors can learn experimental techniques by working in a company laboratory or a professional manufacturing environment. Consent of department and faculty sponsor.
3 to 6 credits
CH-250 Instrumental Technology for Forensic Analysis
Introduction to instrumental techniques used to analyze crime scene evidence. Includes HPLC, IR spectrometry, atomic spectroscopy, and GC-MS. 3 lecture hours and 3 lab hours per week.
4 credits
CH-408 Directed Study: Chemistry
Directed study offers students who, because of unusual circumstances, may be unable to register for a course when offered the opportunity to complete an existing course with an established syllabus under the direction of and with agreement from a faculty member.
3 to 4 credits
CH-480 Internship: Chemistry
Project completed at an institution other than Worcester State by a student with a non-Worcester State sponsor and Worcester State liaison.
1 to 6 credits
CJ-103 Evidence Collection and Crime Scene Preservation
This course provides students with a theoretical framework for the practice of evidence collection and crime scene preservation. Various techniques and protocols for investigation are reviewed and linked to methods of collection of physical evidence as well as the interpretation, accountability, and preservation of data. Techniques of documentation and case preparation are also explored.
3 credits
CJ-398 Criminal Justice Internship
Criminal justice internship involves student field-based work experience within selected agencies of the criminal justice system or allied helping agencies. This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to translate theoretically oriented classroom principles into practical application.
3 to 6 credits
CJ-399 Independent Study in Criminal Justice
Individual research and independent study related to a particular aspect of criminal justice that is of special interest.
3 to 6 credits
CJ-401 Forensic Science Senior Seminar
The senior seminar is designed to bring together the diverse areas of knowledge that the student has gained in the area of forensic science. It is a synthesis of classroom knowledge applied to real-world forensic science issues. Topics covered emphasize the use of critical thinking skills to analyze, integrate, and synthesize research and case studies relevant to the forensic sciences.
3 credits
CJ-408 Directed Study: Criminal Justice
Directed study offers students who, because of unusual circumstances, may be unable to register for a course when offered the opportunity to complete an existing course with an established syllabus under the direction of and with agreement from a faculty member.
3 credits
CS-165 Digital Forensics
Digital forensics investigation; data acquisition; processing crime and incident scenes; multiple operating systems and file formats; digital forensics tools, analysis, and validation.
3 credits
CS-497 Selected Topics: Computer Science
Selection of topics of mutual interest to student and faculty.
1 to 6 credits
CS-498 Internship: Computer Science
Working in and for an organization where skills can be tested in real situations in order to gain experience, increase knowledge in various functional areas, and establish important contacts with an organization.
3 credits
CS-499 Independent Study: Computer Science
An opportunity for advanced students to examine topics not normally taught in other mathematics or computer courses. Geared to the interests of both the student and the instructor.
1 to 6 credits