Give yourself a competitive edge in your health career with a Spanish minor
The Minor in Spanish for Health Professionals will equip you with the terminology, linguistic tools, and cultural competence needed to communicate successfully and effectively in health-related settings. You’ll build your medical/health vocabulary related to anatomy, nutrition, medical emergencies, and common illnesses, and you’ll come to understand the diversity within the Latinx community regarding approaches to medical and health matters. Up to six credits may be fulfilled via the CLEP exam, a World Languages Department placement test, or the Seal of Biliteracy.
Check out the different Spanish courses waiting for you at Worcester State
SP-210 Intermediate Spanish I
Review of language constructions and everyday vocabulary at a slighter faster pace than an elementary course. Grammar review starts with the most basic structures, such as present, preterite, and imperfect tenses; ser/estar; por/para; command forms; and pronouns, and ends with present subjunctive. Vocabulary fields include feelings and emotions, urban living, family relationships, the media, and the environment. Readings, videos, and short films related to different Spanish-speaking countries add a cultural component to the course.
3 credits
SP-291 Introduction to Medical Spanish I
Students learn basic phrases in Spanish as related to their daily activities in various health fields. This course focuses on language used in health professions as well as cultural situations, which doctors, technicians, nurses, and EMTs may experience. By familiarizing students with conversational and medical Spanish, it enables students to apply their learning to real-world situations, assist in communications, and ultimately break down the barrier between doctors and patients. Designed for students to gain beginning-level competence in medical Spanish topics such as pediatrics, women's health, physical exams, dental care, checkups, and hospital visits.
3 credits
SP-291 Introduction to Medical Spanish II
Students will learn basic phrases in Spanish as related to their daily activities in various health fields. This course focuses on language used in health professions as well as cultural situations, which doctors, technicians, nurses, and EMTs may experience. By familiarizing students with conversational and medical Spanish, it will enable students to apply their learning to real-world situations, to assist in communications, and ultimately to break down the barrier between doctors and patients. Designed for students to gain beginning-level competence in topics such as nutrition, emergencies, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, STIs, and addiction.
3 credits
SP-292 Spanish for Women's Health
Students develop communication skills in Spanish using information and vocabulary related to women's health. The course focuses on language used in health professions as well as cultural situations. The course enables students to apply their learning to real-world situations, assist in communications, and ultimately break down the barrier between professionals and Spanish speakers. The course's focus on cultural competency interrogates intersections between women's health and topics including but not limited to politics, economics, gender, sexuality, race, and age.
3 credits
SP-293 Health and the Latino Community
Students explore the ways in which language and culture shape the approach to health and health care experiences of Latinos in the U.S. and the factors that contribute to health disparities among this group (social, cultural, economic, environmental, and biological). Students examine how health outcomes and risk factors are arrayed across different generations. Language barriers and sociolinguistic issues are also studied. Students identify and discuss causes of health inequities, survey major Latino health issues, and analyze the current and future context of Latino health and health care in the U.S.
3 credits
SP-294 Spanish for the Nutrition and Dietitian Professional
Students will develop their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in Spanish using information and vocabulary related to health, nutrition and dietetics. The content of this course focuses on language used in medical professions as well as cultural situations, which doctors, nutritionists, dietitians, nurses, public health workers, social workers, and other health professionals may experience. By familiarizing students with conversational Spanish and medical Spanish, this course will enable students to apply their learning to real-world situations, to assist in communications, and ultimately to break down the barrier between professionals and Spanish-speakers.
3 credits
SP-295 The Human Body: Spanish for Anatomy
This course focuses on the study of the Spanish terminology and basic grammatical structures needed to communicate effectively with Spanish-speaking patients and/or their families in a medical/health setting. It introduces the student to a wide array of vocabulary particular to the human body, body systems, organs and their functioning, and some common diseases (and their symptoms) that affect each system. Class time will be devoted to practicing new vocabulary, via role-play, conversations with classmates, readings, and written activities. Conducted in Spanish.
3 credits
SP-321 Advanced Spanish Composition I
Facility in prose writing, study of style of selected authors, variety of expression through word discrimination, and advanced grammatical structures.
3 credits
SP-323 Advanced Spanish Conversation Through Film
The main objective of this course is to develop the student's oral proficiency and communication skills while building on vocabulary and learning about different aspects of the Hispanic cultural world with a special emphasis on immigration issues. The class format is mainly based on group/pair discussions and debates in which students ask questions, express their views, elaborate on their ideas, and defend them by providing supporting examples drawn from their own experiences, analysis, or comparisons.
3 credits
SP-326 Spanish for the Professions
Intensive practice with language and documents used in private and public sectors including business, medicine, communication, education, and social services.
3 credits